Cat Aviation AG25. Mai 2020CEO report: Auswirkungen der Coronakrise auf die Schweizer GeschäftsfliegereiSeit dem Ausbruch der weltweiten Corona Covid-19-Pandemie stehen hauptsächlich Linienfluggesellschaften im Rampenlicht. Wie aber geht es...
Cat Aviation AG25. Mai 2020CEO report: business aviation during the corona crisisSince the outbrake of the Covid-19 pandemic the major airlines have stayed in the center of public attention. But what is the status-quo...
Cat Aviation AG8. Apr. 2020Covid-19 update: CAT Aviation remains fully operationalWith the spread of the corona virus, the world faces one of the greatest challenges of this century. Particularly, the commercial and...
Cat Aviation AG31. März 2020Substantial flight activities during MarchBefore and right after the Covid-19 lockdown decision by the Swiss government, CAT Aviation was able to perform an increased number of...